It's not even a food but it tastes and feels really good.
It's my surfing experience in the Surfing Capital of the Philippines: SIARGAO
Bragged as the surfing capital so it's a must that you have to experience surfing. I'm a fan of all water adventures but I'm not really good in swimming. Trying out surfing sends chills and excitement to my adventurous system.
If you are a first timer, you need to have an assistance. Instructors are all around Cloud Nine, General Luna encouraging you to try surfing. The standard payment for a 1 hour experience with long board rental and instructor is Php 500. Yes, it's pricey so you have to kick your butt to do your best.
How to learn surfing? Is it easy? Can I do it in one hour? What if I fall?
Those are some of the questions that popped into my excited yet scared mind. But even if I have all those apprehensions, I still pushed myself to do it. It's a once in a lifetime experience, I should not miss it out.
1st: 5-10 minutes training and orientation is needed before you go to the waters. It depends if you can get it right away. It's just like learning some steps in dancing so it only took me 5 minutes to execute.
2nd: Going to the waters. Since we're just beginners, our instructor brought us to "The Jacking Horse". You are going to ride/paddle to the deeper part of the ocean. Take note you have to listen to your instructor. They know best. They won't let you hurt yourself. Give your full trust to them.
3rd: Waiting for the waves that is really for you same with love you have to wait for the one who's meant for you. Focus is the key. When your instructor will say READY: Prepare yourself. When he say GO: you have to stand on the long board. At first it's really scary because you'll be really afraid of falling. But just allow yourself to fall, and get back again. Until you will get your balance.
4th: Enjoy the fall. It took me three falls before getting my balance and putting myself together. If others can do it, so do I. I should stand. I should surf or else my money will go to waste.
5th: Your instructor won't give up on you, so should you. They will help you even if it will be more than one hour as long as you can stand on the long board.
Thoughts of a traveler:
Life is like surfing. There are moments that you need
someone to guide you until you will learn how to stand on your own just like
standing on your own long board. There are times that you have to fall in order
to learn. Failure is painful but I tell you, you’ll learn from it. When you
fall, gather yourself up and stand again. There are time that you will enjoy
your fall. Same with surfing, you need to find your balance. Do not let others
dictate you on what to do, or what career or choice to take. In surfing trust is very important. There are people who will assure you that they will take
care of you and they won’t let anything/anyone hurt you. You have to learn to
trust others and of course trust and believe in yourself. Never give up even if
everyone is telling you to do so. Lastly, enjoy the view while standing and
encourage others to do the same.
'till next adventure loves.
DerTravels <3